Jenkins on Ubuntu

Classmethod Canada
3 min readJan 24, 2021

AWS Marketplace AMI User Guide

This AMI provides a single node Jenkins server.


  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Jenkins 2.263

Setup wizard

Once you open the top page with your browser(http://{your-jenkins-address}:8080), you will see the Jenkins setup wizard as below.

Jenkins initial password

You can find Jenkins initial password from the EC2 management console System Log.

You can also SSH into your instance and find the login credential using the following command.

$ cat /home/ubuntu/credentials
////////////////////credentials info////////////////////
--- Jenkins
----- User: admin
----- Password : 70f34bba9ef44c44b44f059509a0f348

Jenkins setup wizard

Input initial password, 70f34bba9ef44c44b44f059509a0f348 in this case, and click "Continue".

You will see the plugin selection page as below.

Simply click “Install suggested plugins”, and Jenkins will automatically install recommended plugins. This may take a few minutes.

Once plugin installation is done, setup wizard will ask you to create admin user. You can skip initial admin user registration by clicking “Skip and continue as admin”, as shown below.

If you have set up a specific domain and fixed IP address for Jenkins, you can setup Jenkins URL here. If not, you can proceed with default URL. NOTES: This default address is automatically AWS assigned. AWS will release this public IP address when the instance is stopped or terminated.

Finally, Jenkins is ready, click “Start using Jenkins.”

If the page doesn’t automatically refresh after a minute, open https://{your-jenkins-address}/restart and click "Yes" to restart Jenkins.

After Jenkins restarts, you will see the login page as below. Log in with the admin account you have set up above.

For more details about Jenkins, please refer to Jenkins User Documentation


  1. Tutorial: Install a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux 2
  2. Tutorial: Configure SSL/TLS on Amazon Linux 2
  3. Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing
  4. Jenkins User Documentation



Classmethod Canada

We are Vancouver-based cloud integrators and solutions architects focusing on cloud system infrastructure, IoT cloud architecture and cloud migration .